Tuesday, November 28, 2006



Scitation is an article database comprising more than one million documents from scholarly journals, magazines, conference proceedings, and other special publications. Publishers include: AIP, APS, ASME, ASCE, ECS, IEE/IET, SPIE, SIAM.

Search options include Scitation, SPIN, Scitation+SPIN, PubMed/Medline.
More info http://link.aip.org/links/showjournal.jsp?meta=all

ASTM International / ASTM Digital Library

ASTM International

ASTM International provides access to bibliographic records, including abstrtacts, for ASTM Standards, Special Technical Publications, Manuals and Monographs, Journal Articles, Papers and Chapters.

Standards are searched from the main page, all other publications from the Digital Library page.

Magazines and Newsletters (Standardization News, Access ASTM International, ASTM International Business Link) are freely available fulltext.

The website also provides a complete listing of organizational details and functions.

Google Book Search

Google Book Search [http://books.google.com/books]

Google Book Search offers both author name and keyword searching of the full text of books and retrieves purchase or borrowing information. The book title is linked to a card catalog entry and possibly some snippets of text, or a few full pages or, if the book is out of copyright, the entire book. In all cases, there will be links to online bookstores. Many books have a "Find this book in a library" link to a union catalog that simultaneously searches WorldCat and 15 other catalogs representing 30 countries (e.g. CISTI, BLL).

CrossRef Search

CrossRef Search [http://www.iop.org/EJ/search_crossref]

'Google' indexed fulltext of scholarly journal articles from over 1600 publishers' websites. Results are returned using the Google search and ranking algorithms, and using the article's DOI whenever possible to link to the published article.

DOIs can be retrieved from bibliographic citations at: http://www.crossref.org/freeTextQuery

Bibliographic citations can be retrieved from DOIs at: http://dx.doi.org



TechXtra aggregates content from ~45 databases/websites with technology-related content (engineering, mathematics, computing), searching across ~4 million records - articles, technical reports, digital theses and dissertations, books, eprints, news items, job announcements, video, learning & teaching resources, key websites, etc. Sources include: Copac (UK Research Libraries), CISTI, Nanotechweb.org, NASA/NACA TR, New Scientist, etc.).

Optics InfoBase

Optics InfoBase (OSA) http://www.osa.org/
Optical Society of America

Optics InfoBase is a web-based repository of optics research with added services to meet the individual subscriber's needs.

While the database is freely searchable, Caltech onlu has access to the OSA journals NOT the complete database which includes conference proceedings.

Scirus is a science-focused internet search engine, offering a combination of free Web information and journal content. Web sources include research institutes, governments, scientific organizations, conferences, scientist and company homepages worldwide. Scirus uses a dictionary with over 1.6 million scientific terms, unique pattern recognition tools and linguistic analysis, to classify the content type and relevance of 250 million pages. Scirus searches bibliographical information and specific content types.


Science Direct

Both a listing of over 2,000 Elsevier journals and hundreds of book series, handbooks and reference works ... Full text searchable database of journal articles and book chapters from v.1

NASA Technical Report Server

NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) http://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp

The NTRS provides access to NASA's current and historical technical literature ... approximately 500K aerospace related citations, 90K full-text online documents, and 111K images and videos. Information includes: conference papers, images, journal articles, photos, meeting papers, movies, patents, research reports, and technical videos. NTRS integrates three separate information collections through a common search interface:

NACA Collection: Citations and reports from NACA period (1915 to 1958).

NASA Collection: Citations and documents from 1958 to the present.

NIX Collection: Citations and images, photos, movies and videos downloaded from the NASA Image eXchange .